How to prevent calcium buildup on faucets?

Faucets are a necessity in any home, and most of us use them daily. However, the main thing you should know about faucets is that they collect a lot of minerals and calcium over time. If you don’t clean your faucet, it can develop deposits that can block the flow of water. When this happens, it can cause issues with your plumbing system and could even damage your faucet. How can you prevent calcium buildup on your faucet?

How to prevent calcium buildup on faucets?

Calcium deposits can quickly build up on your faucet’s parts over time. The buildup can take on a dull, chalky appearance that can leave your faucets looking old and outdated. In this article, we’ll discuss how to prevent and remove calcium buildup from your faucets.

Why do faucets build up calcium?

Calcium buildup on faucets is often caused by hard water. Although the majority of Americans live in areas with soft water, the presence of hard water is still a common problem in many homes. When hard water comes into contact with metal surfaces, minerals such as calcium and magnesium deposit on those surfaces. Over time, these minerals can build up on faucets, sinks, tubs, and showers. When this happens, your faucets can look dull and dirty, and can even affect their performance. It’s important to keep hard water deposits away from your faucets because they can cause them to clog and become difficult to clean.

This is how a faucet looks when calcium builds up

faucet calcium buildup

Calcium buildup can appear as a white or off-white crusty or powdery substance on the surface of the faucet. In addition to affecting the appearance of the faucet. The calcium buildup can occur around the base of the faucet, the handles, and the spout. Over time, the calcium can cause discoloration and pitting on the surface of the faucet, which can be difficult to remove without proper cleaning.

How to remove calcium buildup on faucets

Limescale buildup on faucets can be quite annoying. However, it’s one of those things that just needs to be dealt with rather than ignored. There are several ways to remove calcium buildup on faucets, ranging from home remedies to commercial products. You may want to consider the following options:


Vinegar is a great tool for cleaning all sorts of household items from floors and countertops to mirrors and toilets. It’s effective at removing stains, dirt, and grime, and disinfecting surfaces as well. When it comes to removing calcium buildup from faucets, white vinegar is a wonderful natural solution to the problem.

If you find that your faucets are coated in lime or calcium deposits, you can remove them using white vinegar. Simply soak a cloth or paper towel in vinegar and wrap it around the faucet, making sure it covers the affected areas. Leave the vinegar-soaked cloth on the faucet for at least 30 minutes, and up to several hours for heavy buildup. This method works because calcium is soluble in vinegar. Once the vinegar has done its job, just rinse the area with water.

Baking soda

To help you remove hard water deposits from your faucet, try using baking soda. First, mix a small amount of baking soda with water to create a paste. Then apply the paste to the affected areas of the faucet and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. When done, scrub the faucet with a soft brush and rinse it thoroughly with water. Baking soda is effective because it is both safe and inexpensive.

When it comes to removing stains and soap scum from the faucet, using baking soda mixed with vinegar works best. It is also cheaper than using other commercial products like bleach or muriatic acid.

Commercial limescale removers

Commercial limescale removers are a safe and effective way to remove mineral deposits. These products can be applied using the same methods as vinegar or baking soda. Some commercial limescale removers come with specific application instructions. Make sure to follow these instructions carefully so as not to cause harm to your pipes. These products are very effective at removing mineral deposits, but be aware that some are caustic and may cause skin irritation or damage to your pipes.

For stubborn limescale build-up, commercial limescale removers may work. Most commonly used include products that contain an acidic powder or liquid, which reacts with the limescale to produce a soluble salt, which is then removed with water. Stronger acids are used in toilets, whereas mild acids are used in kitchens. It is worth mentioning some of the most popular ones like CLR PRO Calcium, Zep Industrial CLR Calcium, and Viakal Limescale Spray, all of which have been rated well by people who used them.

Is there a way to prevent calcium from building up on faucets?

Calcium buildup is a natural process that happens over time. However, the best way to get rid of calcium buildup from your faucet is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Fortunately, there are several easy ways to reduce the buildup of calcium and minerals in your faucets:

  1. Clean your faucets regularly. The easiest way to get rid of it is by regularly cleaning the faucet with a solution of vinegar and baking soda. This removes calcium and other minerals that have built up over time and cause the faucet to look cloudy and stained.
  2. Install a water softener. Water softeners are appliances that remove calcium and magnesium from the water supply. They are installed in homes to prevent hard water from causing damage to fixtures such as toilets, faucets, and sinks.
  3. Install a water filtration system. Preventing calcium build-up on faucets is easy. Simply install a water filtration system. The calcium will be removed before it can build up on your pipes or faucets. In addition to improving the quality of the water you use, this can also prevent expensive repairs and plumbing work.
  4. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasives. Doing so will damage the finish of your faucet. This is why it’s best to use a cleaner spray because it’s gentle enough to avoid damaging the finish. Scratches in the finish of your faucet will favor minerals and limescale buildup.

These tips will help you prevent calcium buildup on your faucets and keep them looking shiny and clean by following them on a regular basis.

Limescale buildup can occur on the internal parts of the faucet as well. This will cause the water to flow very slowly. To prevent this from happening, remove the aerator every few months and clean the faucet thoroughly.


Does WD-40 remove calcium deposits?

While WD-40 is not intended for the specific purpose of removing calcium deposits from a surface, it can be helpful in some cases. While WD-40 offers a quick and effective solution, it is important to note that it is not a long-term cure and may cause damage to certain surfaces.

Does Coke remove limescale?

Coke is a carbonated soft drink, not a cleaning product. It does contain phosphoric acid, but that is not enough to remove limescale and other mineral deposits. It is better to use a cleaner specifically designed for removing limescale.

Does bleach destroy limescale?

Bleach does not break down the limescale. There is no doubt that bleach is a great household product for cleaning and disinfecting. However, bleach does a good job of hiding limescale but unfortunately doesn’t remove it.

Will lemon juice remove calcium buildup from faucets?

Citric acid is a natural cleaner that can be effective at removing calcium deposits from faucets. You can use lemon juice to clean your faucets. To use lemon juice, simply apply it to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a soft brush or sponge.


Limescale buildup is a natural process. There are several ways to get rid of calcium buildup on faucets. You could use vinegar, baking soda, salt, or commercial limescale cleaners. If you want to prevent lime scale buildup from happening in the future, it would be wise to invest in a water softener. However, the most effective way to get rid of limescale is to clean your faucets regularly.

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